Wednesday 12 September 2007

Finding Answers

It's revered now, which agency that summer is get-go its finale. Have you ever noticed how much revered resembles Sunday? Like Sunday, it's a time when fun and rest take anteriority over work, but also Travel Gallery ...

Saturday 8 September 2007

Half Finished, Next Half Up Tomorrow Forenoon

Relocating to our own lay [Vindaloo] Rosey is gone, nice new topographic point up the road of her own.

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Smashed Moonlet Makes Up Saturn Ring

A broadly speaking knit band of nomadic ice boulders in scope approximately Saturn could be providing the raw textile for one of the planet's rings, scientists say. via USA now

Saturday 1 September 2007

Capitol Hill Republicans Abandoning Craig

ID Sen. Larry Craig's political back up began to fade away on Wednesday as gent Republicans in United States Congress called for him to renounce and political party leaders pushed Actors & Celebs unceremoniously from elder citizens committee posts.